Saturday, May 29, 2021

Talkeetna at the base of Denali

 The road out of Valdez was breathtaking. Stopped on the other side of the pass and was met with snow. We stopped around 9:30 (still light)

Our camping for the night spot. Leaving Valdez we headed over the Thompson Pass. It is the snowiest part of Alaska from what the locals tell us. 

Woke up at 5:30, made a coffee and peanut butter crackers and a banana. Onto Talkeetna we go! It's above Anchorage and at the base of Denali. Talkeetna is the jumping off place where climber begin their accent to Denali. Crazy people!!!

Try not to see the phone pole and look beyond it to see God's handiwork it's breathtaking.

Drove into Talkeetna at noon and walked through the town. If you walk to fast you'll miss it entirely. But, I got a new recipe to try. It's Spinach cheese bread and they are selling it as fast as they can bake it. A 5 inch square is $8. It would make a great appetizer, so it's coming your way family.
Evan strolling in town. It is a very quaint town and we enjoyed walking through. It was about a quarter mile from our camping site.
Dinner is chicken bites in a spice I'll mix up, buttered noodles and salad and fruit. We are eating quite well in our camper.

These people! 
Miss them all.

Love and kisses!


Unknown said...

Austin: Beautiful pictures of the mountains!

Carson said...

Wow, those are some amazing pictures!