Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Waiting for the snow and laundry day

Never have I experienced such heat and such cold in a matter of a couple of days. Of course we had to be camping in Colorado when they experience record breaking low temps.  22 tonight, 105 two days ago.

Enjoying the warmth of the laundry room waiting for the laundry to finish while Evan winterizes the trailer.
Nothing real special about this spot, but a good safe base to come back to at night.
After our chores (funny how we seem to  take chores on vacation) we want to drive back up the Cottonwood Pass. Since the holiday is over we thought it would be really quiet up there.

Aspen trees
A cozy day in the camper
It has begun A freak snowstorm in Colorado
More Aspen's

It's snowing hard now and the inches pile up on the ground. We were hoping to leave this campsite and move to Gunnison for a few days, but that may be delayed. Anyway, we will get there if we can get over the mountain pass and the road is clear.
We went back to Cottonwood Lake this early afternoon. Did not stay long as the snow was a few inches on the ground already. We'll see what tomorrow brings as we wait this storm out in the Rockies! Life is an adventure! 


Taylee Fogarty said...

Cottonwood lake looks so peaceful and quiet. What a perfect place to take your morning coffee! Those poor aspens had no idea what hit them. Beautiful magical little trees they are. Love reading about your adventures.

Diana said...

Love these pics!!! Even The real life laundry ones😊