Friday, March 05, 2021

Slowin' this puppy down! Lord willing we're headed out

 Around 3am tomorrow morning, we are on the road again except without the camper. Lord willing. I say that solely because God alone guides my days and I certainly don't want to be presumptuous. Our camper has a new home which I pray the people who bought it will enjoy it as much and more then we did. To be honest we are not sorry about not hauling it behind our truck. We feel freer this way until we can't find a hotel I guess. Walmart parking lots were in every town and we were always able to find a parking spot to sleep. However, I am sure we will find someplace in each town.

We are bound for South Carolina. Florida WAS our destination, but we just didn't have a peace about going there. We are driving down the main highway, I believe it's 95 until we cross over into SC. Then we are going to slow this trip down and head to the coast. Slowly, as we can, we will drive, look out for some treasure in ways of scenery, and some good food and stop and breathe. Our first night will most likely be in Georgetown, S.C. I have no clue at this point where we will stay, but we'll find a place. This totally feels like an adventure. We are going to ask the Lord to lead us as we go. We are totally confident with Him being our travel guide. after all he would know where the bed bugs lurk and where the comfortable mattresses are located. 

I've heard the food in South Carolina is wonderful so you can be assured we will NOT be stopping at McDonald's or even Chick-fil-A. I guarantee I will not be the least bit tempted even if the marquee shouts from 50 feet in the air boasting the best McShrimp. Not even a Shrimp-fil-A will get a second look. The people of South Carolina know how to properly cook chicken, biscuits, hush-puppies and shrimp and grits all of which will find a place on my plate at some point during the trip. perhaps even more then once!

We are taking our bikes so you can be assured we are slowing this trip down. Prayers for safety would be most appreciated. I tend to want to look around instead of looking where I'm going so potholes and curbs usually find themselves in my path. Oh goodness!!!

We have lots of packing to do so I best get to it. Tomorrow will come early and we are excited to get started.

Tomorrow, LW, I will post again.

Cheers for all the adventures ahead!

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