Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Thirty wonderful years

Thirty years. Thirty years of memories, thirty years of change.
I had the privilege of spending the evening with my husband of these thirty years last night. We had a lovely dinner at the Olive Garden courtesy of our son Carson’s Christmas gift card.
The dinner was rather quiet which is quite unusual for us because when we get out by ourselves we usually talk of our dreams for the further, latest projects around the house or the kids. We can never get away from the kids. Anyway, I was distracted as I sat there. I am usually a very distractible kind of person. If someone is talking to me with a speck of pepper in their tooth, I tend to zoom in on the speck and have a hard time listening to what they are saying. Believe me this flaw goes back to my school days when a teacher was lecturing. If anything was askew on their face or body, my attention span dropped to the floor.
Anyway, back to last night.
We were sitting in a relatively quiet spot when all of the sudden two couples sat down at an adjacent table. One man in particular was loud and crass, the other rather rotund. One of the wives was quiet where the other was constantly shushing her husband all the while using the Lords name in very inappropriate ways. I cringed each time. Anyway, our meal, which we split, was served, hot and delicious. I could not help but notice the food being served at this opposite table. Some kind of appetizer that looked like balls of some kind the size somewhere between golf and a tennis ball. Everything looked delicious on their table as well; and lots of it too. All of the sudden the rotund one picked up one of these balls; which I might add could have been cut into fourths for a nice mouthful stuck the WHOLE thing in his mouth followed by a mouthful of salad. Goodness, with mouth open and eyes bulging I had seen enough. I forced my eyes on my food alone and our conversation picked up a little, as did my eating. We were out of there, and onto McDonald’s for a hot fudge sundae, which we also split; extra hot fudge I might confess.
Anyway, this whole experience showed me two things. One, we American’s eat way to much and two; I still struggle with being judgmental.
Why can I not go out with me dear husband and allow him to have my complete attention. He was dressed impeccability, there were no spots to draw my attention and he is delightful company. He is worth all of my attention and I am glad God; even though at times I am a hopeless case, chooses to give me the gift of this man. In addition, why can I not see people as God sees them, pity them for being lost and pray for them right there and then. I guess I will have to bear another dinner at the Olive Garden to see if I have improved in any way. It might take several visits.
I love you with all my heart. I promise to do better with my eyes the next time. See you at the Olive Garden.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Fogarty! Congratulations on 30 years!

Tyler said...

True. Congrats on your 30th anniversary. :)
Keep up the good work raising your "little savages" too. It's secretly appreciated.

Much love,

Skatergrl said...

A HUGE Congtraulations to both of you on your 30 year anniversary. May the Lord continue to bless you in the years ahead!!

Master Casual said...

Yay! Three trees for the happy couple! uh I mean Cheers...I meant cheers. It's an inside thing.
