Saturday, March 24, 2007

Starting over

One of the greatest joys in my life has been to raise four boys. Wanting a girl each time yet, never being disappointed when announced they were all boys. Perhaps having all boys was the reason I was willing to go halfway around the world for my little girl. My last son has all but finished high school and I am about to embark on another 12 years of home schooling. I look at this time as a new beginning and I am filled with excitement as I think about the treasures I will be able to show her and the Biblical truth she will learn. I think about the unhurried mornings and reading chapter books. I will delight in the moments of feeling smarter than my student, at least a little while, and for being there when her world opens up as she learns to read. I think of our library trips before lunchtime, field trips with other homeschool families and on an exceptionally beautiful day, throwing a blanket outside as we work. Yes, I will not miss the bus at eight, the schedule, and the bus again at 11:30. She can do school in her slippers and I can begin in my robe. We can make visiting some of our older friends as part of our day and I can teach Home Economics in a real home environment. We can actually eat what she makes and see if we made the grade by the five men in her life. Our snow days will be making snowmen days and in-service days will be done at a mall as we meet our friend Amy for lunch.
I look forward in this new chapter and I pray God will give me the strength and joy as we proceed. I promise one year at a time; just like the last sixteen. One year at a time keeps the light at the end of the tunnel visible and bearable. What a privilege and journey this will be. Again.
Thanks to my boys who give me the courage. It is because of them that I am willing to do this all over again. You four are the BEST and I love you with all my heart. What a joy it has been to call you my sons and know I was a part of your lives. You have made my days full and rich and I have valued each one of them. I wish you all God’s unsurpassed joy as you begin this journey on your own.

1 comment:

Skatergrl said...

May God bless you as you begin this blessed task. I still want to do the "older sister" days, and would love it if you and Taylee would join us. Any idesa on how to start?? As always, I enjoyed reading your thoughts=) Love ya!!