Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy Spring

Yesterday was one of those days you wish would never end. The day was glorious in its entire splendor. As the earth warmed, the flowers poked their heads out of the ground as if to ask if it was time. In addition, the birds were busy chirping and building cozy nests for the next generation. Over all it was a wonderful spring day. God is indeed faithful and kind as he shares with us the wonders of his creation. I LOVE IT! Spring is a delightful time of year. Dinnertime always sneaks up on me, as I get lost in the day. The out of doors draws me to take care of the things that have lain around during the winter. It is time for a “dump run” as Evan and I like to call it. We will load up our trailer with stuff that was too large for trash pick-up, stop at Dunkin’ Donuts for a cup of coffee and proceed to the dump. Believe me this is one of our favorite outings; and this Friday is one of those days.
The boys are on notice that dad is staying home from work to work in the yard and their help would be appreciated. Every other Friday they have nothing to do; it is interesting that this Friday they have big plans. We can fix that though; a 6 am wake-up call will be in order.
We will celebrate Austin’s birthday this weekend. He will be 20 and I cannot believe it to be so. Where has all the time gone his mother cries.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon. Thank you for your kind comments on yesterdays blog. I do look forward to our dump run on Friday. It is fun reading your blog. Keep them coming.

Lots of Love

Master Casual said...

Aww! Good comment Pops! Momsy loves comments!


Tyler said...

Love them dump runs!

Hey wait, I'm away, which means my room is _completely_ defenseless! Oh boy.

Get the fun run done hon with a dunkin bun, gun that ton and you've won!
Hey, is that a pun?


Sharon Fogarty said...

You won with that fun pun hon. Glad it's done.

Look forward in seeing you tomorrow!

Paul Martin said...

Sharon, I just discovered that you're updating your blog again. It's so nice to see you took my admonition to heart and started writing again. And the posts are sooo good. With just that right amount of personal experience, transparency and lessons learned to make one ponder. Thanks for inspiration.

So belatedly I say "Happy Anniversary!" and unfortunately I have no "small, interesting, verbal package" to describe what Dr. Dobson calls (and I agree wholeheartedly) "THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB IN THE UNIVERSE!" but I will ask Maria if she has any ideas.

We love you guys. Catch you around. Paul