Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back porch ponderings

This morning there was a most spectacular sunrise. Red, purple and orange decorated the morning sky as did the under bottoms of the pink puffy clouds. I sat on my porch and watched the colors change before my eyes not daring to go inside for fear I would miss something. As I sat there, I was reminded how fleeting our lives on earth are and that each day, whether it is spent in routine chores or something new, is a gift to be enjoyed.
It was only when the sun poked its head from behind the tree covered hill that I gave myself permission to grab a cup of coffee from inside the house.
When I stop long enough to count my blessings, it is not hard to see life as a treasure. Not that I worship life in itself, but rather to be able to live this life and receive the blessings of the things my eyes see, my ears hear and my heart feels is truly wonderful. If I can get such a charge from this fallen world, just think of what heaven will be like!
The Lord has been putting on my heart lately to REDEEM THE TIME. In addition, the Lord is reminding me to be content in all things and to lean on him for all my strength. Sitting on my back porch, this morning was redeeming some of it and certainly being content as I relished the harmony of singing birds. I know not how many more springs are left in my life as do any of you, so I encourage you to stop and ponder the waking of this spring. Listen to the birds as if they were the first you ever heard. Study the flowers that emerge from the frozen ground, suck on a fireball and be thankful you have taste buds, and embrace a loved one and be thankful they can hug back. Is not life grand?

Last night we all went to see the play “God Spell” at church, and it was wonderful. I can hardly believe we have so many talented young people in our body. I was truly astonished and entertained. We sat with some dear friends that have truly become like family to us. We love the whole clan on that hill, and consider ourselves rather blessed by all of their lives.

Happy Resurrection week!


Paul Martin said...

Sharon, Thanks for the comment on my blog. It's nice you think of us as friends as well. It's always great to see you all in the church lobby and talk of the "goings on" in our family's lives as well as the teachings God is imparting in our hearts. Love you guys. Give Evan a hug for me.
-- Paul

Sharon Fogarty said...

Thanks Paul!
You can count on us for Friday for the "feast". Thank you for inviting us as I have ALWAYS wanted to do that!
Let me know you got this message or I will call you personally.
Blessings to all the Martin's.
Is there anything I can bring?

Paul Martin said...

Sharon, I sent you a gmail calendar e-vite. Click yes if your coming. Maria will be calling with details on what to bring. Look forward to celebrating with you. Paul

Anonymous said...

Ms. Sharon thank you so much for that wonderful post. You don't know how much it encouraged me. Lately, I've been anxious with school and getting behind because I hang out with cousins or family, but your right, life is precious and we should hold on to those memories. I feel as though I'm not learning as much as I could be but then I've been realizing that I am learning things that people in school don't get! Time is precious and we never know what we'll miss if we blink. Thank you again, and I can't wait to see you all Friday, the more people the better!