Sunday, April 23, 2006

Inspired and soon to be fired!

Nothing inspiring to post today, yet I had two inspiring sermons to listen to which did some inspiring. One encouraged me to think of my eternal treasure beginning here on earth and how we invest our “earthly treasures” or as the Bible calls it, “unrighteous wealth” (Luke 16:11). I never thought about being a shrewd manager of God’s money. Shrewd always had a negative connotation to me and I would never have wanted to be call by that name, yet I can see how it could further the kingdom of God if I could shake loose a few extra coins on a regular basis. So, I am inspired to take a full month’s grocery money and give it away. My family is not happy in the least, in fact they are all aghast at the mere thought of such a foolish idea. Hey, the way I look at it, their reaction makes it all the more right. I plan on saving the rest of this month’s money and buy milk and salad stuff as needed as the month of May becomes the month the Fogarty’s “died”; at least that is their thoughts. I will keep you posted as the month of May unfolds. Pray for us!!!
The other excellent sermon was an “oh me and oh my” kind. It was on the flesh which come to think about it serves to fortify the first one very nicely. Nothing can kill the flesh faster than a month where mama does no grocery shopping. In all honesty though, it is accurate it say that it is hard to kill something that we love. We love our flesh and it is the enemy of our souls. We indeed cry “give” much too easily where as our Lord never did. Jesus felt the full weight of our sins, and to think of it causes me to pause in deep gratitude. “Each day look for a chance to die”. Amy Carmichael. I think she was talking about this thing we love that rules our lives. God will be faithful and give us these tests each day, and each day he will be faithful to see us through them.
I guess I was inspired in two ways today after all.
May your day be inspired as you look for His hand upon your life and listen to His voice as He whispers your name. He is pleased even in with all the work that is yet to be done. One step at a time. Blessings!
Hi to Bethany. Thank you Amy. Debora, the coffee was delicious.Today was great fun.
Love to a cool family!!!


Tyler said...

food (fūd) n.
1. Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.

See, Mom, this little thing called food is a necessity. I know Mr. Harris' sermon was convicting but wowza! How about you give up the purchase of, say, a MacBook Pro notebook computer? I mean, that would be so much more meaningful to a tech fan like me. Are you really serious about this endevor? The entire month of May? Where in the bible does anyone fast for more than thirty days besides ultra spirit filled people like our Lord Jesus Christ?
The entire allocated amount for staple victual purchases? After the canned soup runs out what are young men to do? Yikes. We are going to die!

Pray for us.


Sharon Fogarty said...

Dear Worried,
First Bible starts with a cap. Second, we have friends that will not stand by and allow my family to waste away.
Third, we have two, count then, two freezers full of food. And have you checked out our cheese supply lately? Believe me, we will not starve. In fact... due to the fact that our freezers are full, perhaps we should do two months!
What pray, tell does your dictionary say about that?

Tyler said...

lol, touché. Forgive me, for my flesh is weak.
One sec while I look up the word definition I'm searching for, brb.

Ah-ha! Found it and here it is.

P.S. You win. One month is good enough. Cheese is overrated.
P.S.S. Warning: Over two months and I'm moving out, getting married and having kids. Oh, wait, this plan might not work out as I intend.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am so glad you came to church! Hope it wasn't too much hearing 2 sermons, but hey, don't you feel quite spiritual now? lol! I really enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us what God's teaching you. Although it seems like your boys would like it better if the lesson's didn't effect them too, *wink* Hey, *thinks*.. I have a great idea....tell Tyler, Gav, Austin, and Cars. that Covenant Life has a soup kitchen at least twice a month, so they have at least 2 hot meals they can look forward to during their time of great suffering:-) *Smiles*
Thanks again for coming up. I'm so delighted you got to meet my parents and siblings. Oh and btw, random question, when you're writing using the words he and his talking about God or Christ, are they caps? (ie..He(or he) carried our cross?)
Have a wonderful blessed week.

Anonymous said...

If I may be so bold as to assist in this matter by method of opinion and observation please allow me to elucidate an answer to the question.

Fact: The King James, 1611, version of the Bible does not use capital letters for pronouns that are not the start of a sentence but some modern translations do.

Observation: And here is what The Chicago Style Manual's FAQ says:
"Q. What is the proper pronoun form to use to refer to God? I was taught to capitalize the pronoun “He” when “God” was the antecedent. However, I checked a number of standard grammar handbooks and can’t find any information on this point. Have the rules changed?

A. Chicago lowercases such pronouns, but it’s not wrong to uppercase, especially if you are writing for a religious readership or anyone else who might take lowercasing as a sign of disrespect. In matters of style, in contrast to those of grammar, there are few right or wrong answers. Different houses follow different style guides in order to make their publications consistent."

Also, an interesting point is that William Tyndale's New Testament, 1526, God is in lower case.

Shakespeare’s Henry V has,
“God quit you in his mercy. Heare your fentence.”
Henry V; 1st quarto 1600;

This original document from the proceedings of the Old-Bailey of 1674 has God with a capital letter, but there are also several other words with capital letters.

By 1834 the number has been greatly reduced.

Conclusion: Therefore, it would seem that pronouns are left up for the author to decide and change with cultural applicability and prose.
Nevertheless, the above is simply my thoughts, except where stated otherwise and much proverbial salt should be used in its consumption.
Thank you.

Master Casual said...

I think this is a great idea! It will teach us how blessed we are to be able to go a whole month without having to buy additional food.

And anyway, there is enough peanut butter and jelly in the house to be able to make a months worth of PB&J sandwiches...I checked.


P.S. Bethany, I will try to have a post up by Thursday for you...well, for everybody ;)

Sharon Fogarty said...

I am getting rumbling from the higher up, or is that grumbling I hear?
Gavin, Thank you for your support. Yet, is it to generous since you are gone most of the week? I love your enthusiam though.