Saturday, April 15, 2006

Please sit down Martha

Today is the day before Easter. The breeze is delightful as I sit here by the window and there is a hint of fragrance in the air. Spring is in all its glory and I am loving it.
As I prepare for my extended family for Easter dinner, I am turning into a Martha; busy, busy, busy, again. I am making sure all things are done today so I can relish in the day tomorrow. Yet, today is the only day I know I have and it is a glorious one at that. Is it not silly to work so hard today for tomorrow? Where is the balance? I wonder.
Please pray for us, as we are the host tomorrow to many who do not truly know the Lord; some even hostile towards Him. Even though I will rejoice in the day, I will be somewhat sad I am not in the company of fellow believers. However, I will take comfort in knowing that my Lord and Savior will be here with us.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about a sadness surrounding the holidays in regards to unsaved family. We don't have any relatives that are saved; but, it's also a little comforting to know that as we are hopefully an example to them of the difference Christ can make, the rest is truly in God's hands. He can open the eyes of anyone He chooses at the appointed time. And so we can trust those we love to our loving and faithful Father. Will make sure to pray for you all. May you have a blessed Resurrection Day! He Lives!!!!!!!!!

Tyler said...

Dinner was great! Thanks so much and I'm always glad to serve in the kitchen when I can, mom. I'm trying to "level up" my skills as a true leader/servant as quickly as possible, as dad mentioned, so please help me succeed in this way by gently suggesting ideas.
Many thanks!

Sharon Fogarty said...

Tyler, you can count on it. Thank you for being willing to serve. I will try to give you many ways in which you can succeed. Gently, of course.