Friday, April 14, 2006

Pauses and ponderings

When I was younger I was always perplexed by the term “Good Friday”. I couldn’t for the life of me think of anything that was good about it. It had to be the saddest day of the year, yet now that I have been able to reflect on the day, I can see why it is called such.
Think about what happened on that day and one can tend to feel the burden of the moment. Jesus, perfect in all ways, chose to die a hideous death for the sins of His beloved; you and me. I have a hard time wrapping my arms around that thought yet, I know that it is true.
In the scope of eternity, God always does things for a good and perfect reason.Besides the obvious, the Lord says in this “Good Friday” that no matter what things look like from our perspective, He works ALL for good. If God can call something good that was as gruesome as the “crucifixion”, who are we to say something is bad?
I would like to encourage all who read this blog to take a moment out of this day and feel the weight of the memory. In pondering this, your Sunday will be all the more joyful and amazing.Today is indeed Friday, but Sunday's a commin'.
Jesus lives!!! Halleluiah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fogarty,
Sad to say it but, still haven't officially met you let :-( Although I feel like I’ve known you forever by reading your blogs. I've enjoyed them all so much but, this one especially. Thanks for the reminder to take today and reflect on Christ's death and yes indeed HE lives forever more!!!!
I wish you and your family a very blessed Easter holiday.
Looking forward to meeting ya,
Bethany Skoczelak