Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ant epilogue and Easter thoughts

Looking outside today it looks warm and inviting, yet when I step outside I think that it would be better to sit closer to the fire and get warm. So, inside I go longing for a more pleasant (which will be soon) day to be outside. Even the ants are in hiding finding some warm corner of the house, hidden away, all hunkered down eating what is left of their winters provisions.
So for an ant update. You’ve heard of the saying; If you can’t beat them feed them”. Well, something like that. The last thing I want to do is allow these little urchins to have their way while I patiently wait them out to see where they go. To be a really good ant eradicator one must watch where they come in and where they make their retreat. Having these rude things slapped for the hundredth time I decided to do as the experts do and watch. And my patience won out. I found where they were coming and going and I placed a little bit of ant food in the corner of their entryway. Little did they know, ha-ha, that this tiny tasty concoction was laced with poison. One by one they came, telling all the other ants in their little kingdom that there was a delicious meal not far from their home. Others came and went and before long, none came. Not one! So, I guess this is the end of my ant story. That is for now. I sleep in peace once more. That is also for now!
To turn to other thoughts…

Today, I have been thinking a lot about this coming week and its meaning to the Christian community. It is Passion Week and it is THE most holy time of the year for us. Once again I turn my head at the commercialism displayed in all the malls and stores and feel sorry for all the people who believe that the Easter bunnies with their creamed and colored eggs is what this time of year is all about.
I find myself fighting the tears as I sit in church thinking of the sacrifice Jesus did on my behalf. I want to cry not only for what He did for me, but moreover for what little I have done for Him. Just when have I truly suffered and when has my faith cost me something? My extended family members don’t understand my faith which leads to misunderstandings, I must be gracious when an unkind word would feel better to my flesh, I must serve when I would rather be served and I must forgive when holding a grudge would be the worldly thing to do; and much more satisfying. Yet, these things are bearable and I do them with a glad heart; most of the time; and I am deeply grateful for the blessings that are totally underserved. A quote that I heard last week in church keeps haunting me as I run the thought through my head over and over. “The only thing we deserve from God, is His judgment”. There has never been a truer statement. Everything the Lord grants me is underserved and given by his gracious hand, BECAUSE He loves me and calls me His own. I am a daughter of the KING. I sit at his table as an invited guest and I can talk with Him whenever I want, and the amazing thing is, He listens. I am truly a blessed person, grateful He has chosen me and honored to be in the company of many other saints that point the way safely home.
Have a blessed Easter week to those I love and to those I have yet to meet and call friend. Ponder His goodness in your life; it is definitely worth the thought.
I love you!


Anonymous said...

Daughter of the King, Thank you for your words of wisdom reminding me about Christ's gift. I really like the quote you shared “The only thing we deserve from God, is His judgment” How true that is. If I could always remember that I don't think I would be so quick to question His goodness and I’d be thankful for all the things I do have, instead of being so quick to complain about the things I don't. Thank you for the reminder of how blessed we are to be "Daughters of our King."

Sharon Fogarty said...

Hey Kris,
Glad to know your blogging too. I know very little as well.
Everything is well here on this home front. Hope you have a joyfilled Easter!
Say hello to all your family for me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your encouraging words! We are so very blessed to have the love and acceptance of a our heavenly Father rather then the judgment we deserve!