Friday, June 23, 2023


Sunday 6/18/23

The car is being packed with undoubtedly more than we could ask or imagine. Heck, that sounds to much like Eph. 3:20. Maybe that's a good omen. Evan has this thing with packing in that he isn't finished until there is not a square inch left to pack. Good thing we don't have a monster van. "No, Evan please leave the firewood home." Good grief, this man!!!

The weather does not look that favorable up on the Gaspe' Peninsula, as of today, but we can't play the weather game on this trip. We will pray for the best in the time we are there. Our rain jackets are packed and ready.

We made it to Plattsburgh, NY at 4:15pm after pushing off at 7:15. Thank you Lord for travel grace in getting us here with absolutely no trouble. Long but safe day. Right now it's 85 and sunny.  Let's hope we have a few days like this up on the Peninsula in the days to come. 

Tomorrow we will cross the border into Canada and on to Quebec for a couple of nights.

More tomorrow as we enter another country. Good thing for Google translate as we speak no French or perhaps just enough to get us in big trouble. Evan took enough French in High School to say hello, where's the bathroom and please pass the salt. 

Love you all!

1 comment:

Master Casual said...

I love maps! Great job finding this one!