Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Prayers wanted!

Today, I received a call from Austin who is in Florida for a short vacation. He called sounding very forlorn. Poor guy has a touch of food poisoning and is quite sick. Please pray for him because he has the opportunity to go to Disney World for FREE with a fast pass tomorrow. He is discouraged slightly.
Life here on the home front is the same except the weather is delightful which makes everything else seem special. Tomorrow will be another story I understand; cold, rainy and dark. Even though the weather will be not as friendly, it will make the days that follow these cold ones even more special. Wishing you all a great and cozy couple of days. The logs are once again coming in for the night ready to be set aflame in the early morning.
Love to all from the Fogarty household.

A special note to Amy. Are you still out there?


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Friend,
Yep, I'm still here!!! WoW! You’ve become Miss popular, with all the comments you’ve gotten lately!!!
It was fun to get your little side note =). I'm SO glad you are posting again! I always look forward to reading your thoughts and they are always so encouraging. I'm so sorry for Austin, I'll be praying for him. It's no fun to be sick, and being sick while away form home is even worse. Glad everyone else is doing well. Give them all my love and I'll talk to ya soon. Hope to see you on Sunday. Love ya lots!

Sharon Fogarty said...

You will see us Sunday, Lord willing and I look forward in seeing you as well.
Thank you for your prayers for Austin.
I love you and glad you are still out there in blog land.