Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Random musings

Austin is feeling better today, thank you for all who prayed for him, however; he said he feels like he was in a fight where someone hit him numerous times in the stomach. As I write, he is line at Space Mountain in Disney World, the weather is sunny and 76 degrees, oh well, someone has to do it!

I just made two loaves of raisin bread and it is rising on top of the oven getting ready to cook. I love the smell of homemade bread and in about 1 hour from now, my house will be filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread. Yeah!

Today, I am waiting for my dishwasher to be delivered and am being held captive in my house to their delivery schedule, which they say will be somewhere between ten and two. Have you noticed manufactures do not make appliances like those just 15 years ago? They figure one will need replacing every 7 years. Let me give you some good tips when buying appliances. Most have the same motors and basic features. The difference between the $300 and $600 models is add on items such as adjustable racks, colored accessories, and fancier buttons; all of which, I might add jacks up the repair costs. We bought the lower end, and we will be looking to purchase another one in about 7 or so years.

Blessings to all and Happy, happy Easter!

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