Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Request for prayer

We will leave for WV on Friday instead of Thursday. This will give our ills a chance to die!
My dear friend; an older gentleman, is going in for surgery this morning. He has a mass in his stomach and I am concerned as you can imagine. The surgery will be six hours and a 10 day stay in the hospital. Please pray for him. His name is Claude Steger. He does not know the Lord which concerns me even more.
Today is a good day. It is said, “Any day above ground is a good day”, and I would have to agree with that. In light of my friend, and many like him, what do we have to complain about? Even the three H’s are of little concern. And today there are two; hazy and humid.
Carson still lies in bed trying to recover what ails him. Hopefully by tomorrow he will feel as good as new. Taylee is well and is making up for lost words… if you know what I mean.
May the God of peace reign in your heart this day.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Taylee is feeling better now and will keep praying for Carson's quick recovery. Also, I'll be praying for your friend Claude as he goes through surgery today.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe trip to WV on Friday and back.
God bless,

Sharon Fogarty said...

Thank you for your prayers. They mean a lot to me, and your prayers will be heard and hopefully felt by Claude. I will let you know how he is doing as time goes on.
Blessings from on high!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, I will be keeping Him in my prayers. Please keep me up-dated so I know how to pray. I'm really glad Taylee is back to her normal self!! And hope Carson will be too in no time. Have a wonderful time in WV with your friends, I'll miss you at church. Safe travels and many blessings.