Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rainbows and dancing shoes

This past Saturday we were blessed to see not one, but four rainbows. FOUR! As we drove down to Glen Echo for a night of swing dancing there was a mixture of rain and sunshine; a perfect mixture for making rainbows. I am always so excited when I see one because it reminds me so clearly of God’s promises.
The dancing was fun to watch and the live band was most enjoyable. I love the music of the 1940’s in itself, but I love it also because it reminds me of my dad so much. He loved swing music and was in a band himself as a single man. He played the trumpet and he and my mom could really “cut the rug” as they say.
I made a rather quick observation as I watched the dancing. The really good lady dancers wore a special kind of unattractive tie shoes. I think they had a smooth leather bottom which enabled them to slide across the wooden floor with ease as their partner swung them around. So… with that, I was able to watch the rather good dancers and wish all the while I had those ugly tie shoes on instead of my floppy, rubber flip flops, leather top, red ones. It’s all in the shoes I’m convinced, not so much the years of practice and talent. It’s all in the shoes, yep, it’s the shoes.
There was also; as life usually presents itself, a spiritual lesson in the teaching that night. The instructor was talking about the men leading the ladies in dance and the ladies job was to follow. He quickly said, “that if the man did not lead, the ladies would.” We need men to be leaders not only on the dance floor but more so in the home. To be a servant leader is a high and godly calling. And if you lead, women will follow. However, not only on the dance floor but in this dance of life. It is so right when a man will take the hand of his maiden and give her the gift of leadership. The dance of your life will be so much more beautiful and the world will not be looking at your shoes I can assure. The world will see a glimpse of what God had in mind.
Blessings to all.


Anonymous said...

I believe ya!!! You could be every bit as good as those pro dancers if you only owed a pair of the right shoes. :)

Skatergrl said...

I really enjoyed your post, you are so right about a guys leading. Not only about it being the way God designed, but about it being a gift, because it's a hard job. I think the thing for us girls to keep in mind is that if we want to be given the gift of leadership, than we need to be willing to give the gift of submission. Sometimes that's easier said than done, whether it's your husband or in my case my father. It helps to remember that leadership really is a hard job, so that you can be understanding and supportive even when you may not agree or be called to do things differently than you otherwise might. When everyone is following their God given roles, it truly is a most beautiful picture. Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement.
P.S. I’m so glad about your friend! May God save Him very soon!
P.P.S. I can't believe you did this post at 2:45am. You can't ever call me crazy now for the hours I keep/ Grin / cuz that's more crazy than even I am. HEHEHEHE
Love ya!

Sharon Fogarty said...

You must keep in mind that the hour that was posted was an hour AFTER much sleep! I do not stay up that late, I get up that early. Sometimes.
Love you!!!