Thursday, June 29, 2023

 Day 7 June 29

Made it back to the USA

This morning at 6:15 we said goodbye to our sweet hotel/ bed and breakfast

Lobster boats docked for repair.
Had to drive into a boatyard to take a look around.
I noticed in the background this stone structure battered by the waves and standing tall.

We are now in New York to stay the night. Most likely Lake Placid tomorrow.

Good night ! 
Love to all!💖💖💖

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28 Day 6 Gaspe' Quebec

Today turned out to be magical.  We started out early and drove 38 miles to Perce' to the Perce' Rock National Park. We started our journey at 74 degrees. In a short time it was 62 degrees. We got there and the fog was so thick we couldn't  see anything. The weather here is more fickle than in Maryland. It literally changes every 30 minutes.

It went from foggy to clear within the hour.
A ferry takes people by the Rock and then onto an island close by. We did not go on the ferry. We just walked all around.

We took a walk up to where you see this second little house and walked up a trail to the edge above the water were able to see the whole rock.
I LOVED this path up to where we could view the "rock".

Up this hill to where you see the top of THE ROCK!
Looking back at the "rock" past meadows of sweeping grasses. So Anne of Green Gables feeling.

It was massive and quite impressive just sitting there all by itself. The Northern Gannet's call this home.  The small island where the ferry takes people is home to over 110,000 of these seabirds.  They are fun to watch. They fly high then tuck their wings close to their bodies and dive sometimes 30-40 feet under the water to catch fish. 100's of them each take a turns to dive. Super fun to watch.
Around 3:30 we left behind sunny and warm temperatures
On our way back to Gaspe' we stopped by a few beautiful spots. This was a beach off the beaten path. We just stopped to look. 74 degrees!
Sea erosion.
We followed a bird sanctuary path to the end to meet these water washed out croppings. Needed to beware of where we stepped. Beautiful and wind swept. 64 degrees.

Got back to out place of lodging safe and sound. 75 degrees.

We are beginning to plan our trip home tonight. We have loved our visit here in Gaspe'. It is a beautiful place, but I will be happy to be home when we get there. It will be a couple of days left on the trip. Just a little closer to home.
Can't  tell you where we will be cuz frankly I don't know!!! These Fogarty's fly by the seat of their pants you know!

Know this! I love you and look forward to seeing you soonish.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 Day 5 Gaspe', Canada

Today was a slow day. Couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about where we were. At least a 24 hour drive time from home. Evan actually woke before me which nevers happens. I'm early to bed early to rise.

Evan sitting on the steps of our Inn. After breakfast we headed to Forilon National Park in Gaspe' about a 40 minute drive away. The pictures do not do it justice. When the clouds blew away it was breathtaking.
At first the weather was really socked in with fog. Not smoke, just fog.
We stopped by an old homestead which was pretty much how it was lived in. These people were cod fisherman. After the cod was caught it was cut in half and dried on racks in the sun. Since the wind constantly blew it took the cof fish to dry in a little more than a week as long as it was sunny. A hard life was lived to make ends meet and to feed a family.

This home was built in the 1870's and housed a set of triplets, twins and single children to make a total of 11. I guess date nights were spent a little differently those days. They burned 30-40 cords of wood each year and they would deal with 15 feet of snow each winter. They sure were hardy people. 
The house set on the right. No word whether any children we lost over the side.  

The barn on the homestead. Beautiful views. I can't even imagine living such a hard life.

.This coastline is to our right and left. It feels like we are on Ireland coast.

It was pretty windy today and crisp in the 50's. Felt invigorating.

This flower is all over the peninsula. It's called a "cow parsnip". Apparently the root is good to eat, but since I don't even eat the parsnips I've had as a child, I think I'll pass! 😛

It's 9:30 and I'm tired. Good night to my special friends and family. 

Love you all.  💚💚💚 

Monday, June 26, 2023

 Day 4  Au revoir Quebec, Bonjour to Gaspe'

A  l *O* N *G 12 hour drive up and around the coast of the Gaspe' Peninsula. Oh my goodness the drive was stunningly beautiful. The Saint Lawrence river was to our left the entire time. Through village after charming village we were entertained and enthralled by the scenery.The drive only got long after the 10th hour, than iI started getting a little cranky, chippy as Evan likes to say. 

We left Quebec with a great cup of coffee in our hands happily sipping our way out of town.  An unknown adventure awaits. I say adventure because we don't like to make reservations....EVER! We fly by the seat of our pants and pray the Lord directs us.

Lo and behold our first stop along the way in Matane we met a lady who was just coming back from where we were going and she told us all about the light houses we would see along the way. She (her name is Gail) even gave us her map.She also answered a question about the other side of the peninsula we were thinking about going. Gail said not to bother as the west side was truly the most beautiful. For some reason she asked if we were Christian and when we answered with the affirmative she threw her arms around me and called me sister. You just never know who God will put in your path and direct your steps. Thank you LORD

I made the mistake of packing lunch meat and bread for our travels. By the time I rolled up the ham and cheese for the 5th or 6th time i decided I was done. What is wrong with me??? We are on vacation. Why is heaven's name can't I give myself permission to have lunch in a restaurant. Good grief. Next time the ham and cheese stays at  the store! I'm buying lunch! And you better believe it won't have arches!

Took a lovely walk around a town called Kem.... can't say it nor can I spell and it's way long, but it was the most quaint village on the way. Got pretty darn inspired with this little garden and all that was happening in its small space. Now, I need to inspire my husband to build some things for my garden now.
Same Kem... town by the water. Smelled horrible cuz the tide was out.
On our way to Gaspe' we could not believe all the dairy farms. Some were even right smack on the edge of the water. Fields and fields long to a vanishing point also right to the edge. Needless to say they were beautiful. If there was any smoke smell from the wildfires it was covered with cow stink! Sorry cows we do love you!
Tide out, smells in.

Look at this beauty of this lighthouse. It was almost 4 miles back a dusty road and since we got there  late and since I was "snippy" already the 8 mile round trip did nothing for my love for another rolled up ham and cheese. Actually we were the only ones down there and it felt a little creepy.

Love to you! 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

 Day 3 Quebec 6-25-23

The morning began with a wonderful breakfast.

Very authentically French!

Inside the courtyard of the castle. Last night after dinner.
Looking down on the street where we live! Until tomorrow that is.
Looking down towards the river
The castle lit up at night.

We are still not sure what we will be doing tomorrow. The air quality due to the wild fires is not so great. 
Warnings were just posted last night for people with asthma to stay inside. Could be better tomorrow. 

The castle towers over everything in town and 
diverts your eye from really other gorgeous buildings and architecture.

Typical outside courtyard. So many places to eat in this city.
I haven't  forgotten I'm in Canada, but goodness I sure feel like I'm in Europe
I am not at all a city person, but this place is so stinking cute I believe I could change my mind. Evan posing on one of the streets that truly capture my imagination.. Check out the umbrellas suspended above the street.
Our late morning treat. Cafe' latte bowl. I'm bringing this idea home with me. HOW FUN!!!

614 rooms. massive hotel. The bully in town with an egotistical attitude that boldly says, "look at me". And you really can't help yourself; it's certainly impressive inside and out. 
Took the tour, and learned about the history. In this building and we most likely stood in the very same rom as Roosevelt, Churchill and the Canadian PM worked out the planning of the Normandy battle Aug. 17-24 1943. The hotel was evacuated and canceled 3,000 reservations to allow this meeting to take place.
We say goodbye to Quebec tomorrow morning and the longer we stay the more I long for quite and less distractions and trinkets. It has been a lovely stay, but it's enough.
We have decided to travel up the Gaspe' Peninsula tomorrow morning right after our breakfast. But looking at the weather maybe not. We are praying about it.

I sure do miss you guys!
Stay well, we'll see you soon.