Day 4 Au revoir Quebec, Bonjour to Gaspe'
A l *O* N *G 12 hour drive up and around the coast of the Gaspe' Peninsula. Oh my goodness the drive was stunningly beautiful. The Saint Lawrence river was to our left the entire time. Through village after charming village we were entertained and enthralled by the scenery.The drive only got long after the 10th hour, than iI started getting a little cranky, chippy as Evan likes to say.
We left Quebec with a great cup of coffee in our hands happily sipping our way out of town. An unknown adventure awaits. I say adventure because we don't like to make reservations....EVER! We fly by the seat of our pants and pray the Lord directs us.
Lo and behold our first stop along the way in Matane we met a lady who was just coming back from where we were going and she told us all about the light houses we would see along the way. She (her name is Gail) even gave us her map.She also answered a question about the other side of the peninsula we were thinking about going. Gail said not to bother as the west side was truly the most beautiful. For some reason she asked if we were Christian and when we answered with the affirmative she threw her arms around me and called me sister. You just never know who God will put in your path and direct your steps. Thank you LORD
I made the mistake of packing lunch meat and bread for our travels. By the time I rolled up the ham and cheese for the 5th or 6th time i decided I was done. What is wrong with me??? We are on vacation. Why is heaven's name can't I give myself permission to have lunch in a restaurant. Good grief. Next time the ham and cheese stays at the store! I'm buying lunch! And you better believe it won't have arches!
Took a lovely walk around a town called Kem.... can't say it nor can I spell and it's way long, but it was the most quaint village on the way. Got pretty darn inspired with this little garden and all that was happening in its small space. Now, I need to inspire my husband to build some things for my garden now.
Same Kem... town by the water. Smelled horrible cuz the tide was out.
On our way to Gaspe' we could not believe all the dairy farms. Some were even right smack on the edge of the water. Fields and fields long to a vanishing point also right to the edge. Needless to say they were beautiful. If there was any smoke smell from the wildfires it was covered with cow stink! Sorry cows we do love you!
Tide out, smells in.
Look at this beauty of this lighthouse. It was almost 4 miles back a dusty road and since we got there late and since I was "snippy" already the 8 mile round trip did nothing for my love for another rolled up ham and cheese. Actually we were the only ones down there and it felt a little creepy.
Love to you!