Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Musings on Motherhood

Focus on the Family magazine came in the mail today, and the title caught my eye and erected my attention. It said,"Handling the Stress of Transitions". Moreover, right on the inside cover was an article entitled "Flunking Motherhood". Those two titles sum up my feelings lately of my job as a mother to adult men living at home. They certainty do not "need" me as they once did; and I thank God for that really, but I am struggling with the fact that I have worked myself out of the job that once consumed most of my time and attention. I am in the process of truly letting go and trusting God with the decisions they make and I have held onto Phil. 1:6, 9-11. "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ...".
I truly thought raising four boys was the hardest job around, but it pales at the difficulty I seem to have at keeping my mouth shut and my prayer life vibrant on their behalf. I feel like I fail more times than I succeed these days. I desire to do things much differently, but old patterns are slow to die, but die they must! With God's help and small steps I will change my pattern of reaction into patterns of pro action. God is my only hope of changing and my dependence upon him is critical in all areas of my life.
Being a mother has been the most wonderful, hardest, fulfilling job that I could ever imagine.
I love my guys and value my time with them. They are ALL quite unique and amazing.
Now, Taylee Joy is my gift and focus from God and I will enjoy her as she too, will one day put me out of work. Until then, I have much work to do, nails to paint, flowers to gather, shoes to buy, hair to braid, pies to make, dances to watch and things to enjoy. WOW, isn't God good?

1 comment:

Skatergrl said...

Aw! When Taylee finally puts you out of a job, I'm sure you'll have grandchildren by then, so I’m sure you’ll always be busy putting into little lives! : ) Thank you for always being so open with you thoughts, I love being able to read a mothers perspective on helps me to have an extra measure of understanding towards my mom and how she feels or what she might be thinking at similar times. You’re a great example!!! And just like I’m so blessed to have my mother...your boys are so blessed to have you! And I know they’d agree with me on that! :) Right guys??!!!
Mrs. Sharon...I love ya lots!