Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beautiful night

The shadows are growing longer as they creep up the hill and eventually overtake the sunlight. It is a gorgeous evening and if the year were filled with these kind of days, it would be okay with me. How quickly the mornings turn into evenings, days to weeks and weeks to months. How blessed I am to live in a country that allows freedom to flex its muscle and allow people to say, "enough". Lord, have you way with this country. Empower your people, unite our similarities in the Gospel and use our differences to make a difference in the bond of peace. May you be glorified, exalted and praised, honored, worshiped and adored. To you alone be all honor and glory. Bring healing to my sister Sarah and my friend Stephanie. May tonight be the night that the world will be baffled and you will receive glory. In Jesus name! Amen

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