Monday, September 10, 2012

Away to long!

Wow! it has been a long time since I visited this blog. Much life has passed under my feet and across my path. Three sons married, a precious grand-daughter and another one on the way. I am a blessed person. Life seems to pass sometimes unnoticed and unappreciated. I feel bad when I do not seize each day as a gift, when I do not treasure each moment and when I allow petty things to rob me of today and the "in the moment" times. I heard it said lately that life is made up of long days, but the years are short. This is especially true when you're raising little ones. That is one hard yet joyous job. I have decided to bring Taylee back home to do school with her here instead of the homeschool co-op. It was a good two years, but I missed the flexibility and the daily relationship with her. She will be going to gym each Tuesday and a Bible study every other Tuesday afternoon with other girls her age. Overall, I think it was a good call to bring her back home. My mom is living with us for awhile. I have enjoyed her company, but it is different having someone else in the kitchen. I need to walk away as she cooks and let her enjoy being in the kitchen. She was always a good kitchen person and we generally work well together. I always said it is good for every kitchen to have two workers. Once in a great while Evan joins me when I am making a huge meal and he cleans as I dirty the dishes. What a great help. I feel it in my heart that Carson will be leaving the homestead soon. He will be graduating from UMBC in December and hopefully get a job soon afterwards. I will hate to see him leave, as I have disliked each of the others leaving. It is the end of something fulfilling and a job I have absolutely loved. I am so thankful we still have Taylee. Entering into a new chapter of my life is hard because of the unknowns. However, I take great comfort in knowing that God will be there at every turn showing me the way. The days are getting shorter and darker. We will soon be saying goodbye to summer and autumn will show us its glory. I will look forward to lighting our first fire in the stove and cozy up with a good book. The excitement of the new seasons are always anticipated with much wonder. Jesus, you are my Rock and my Salvation. No one but you deserves glory and honor. Show me my sins, forgive my transgressions and lead me in the way of everlasting.

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