Saturday, July 19, 2008


This weekend has put me back in the totally operational mode. The plumber arrived at 8:30 am Friday morning to install my sink and hook up my dishwasher. Evan took off the day to do some last minute odd jobs around the kitchen and even though we have a few more things to do, I am back. My first dinner guests will be Monday evening, where I will be using real plates and real glasses. My trash level will dramatically decrees and the environment will be given a break from all the disposable things I have been using. I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to have my kitchen back. Come see!
More later!


Tyler said...

Can't wait to come over and see the finished result in action!

Tyler and Elea

Skatergrl said...

I'm so EXCITED for you!!!! Yea! All that perseverance paid off!Can't wait to see it :-)
Love you!