Sunday, May 07, 2006


Why is it that when I go to work in my garden the rocks seems to rise as if planted and were waiting to be harvested and the rocks in my driveway seems to disappear as if hiding from some dreadful occurrence? And why is it that air bubbles in chocolate chip cookies seems to deflate not only the cookies but the cook as well? Yet, these same air bubbles seem to raise an Angel Food cake so deliciously? Why is it when we look at the same thing we see an entirely different image? And when two people listen to a message they hear two totally different points of view? Why do some people understand math equations and leave others in the dust of confusion? We all have the same size brain don’t we? How in the world does one gain an appreciation for opera? Is it like smoking of drinking coffee; one must acquire a taste for it? And how in the world can one learn to throw a frisbee straight and steady yet alone catching one from the heights of the nearby sycamore? I am curious about these things and hunger for the answers to these and other riddles in life.

Until He comes, or we leave, may the greatest wonder of all, bless your life and direct your path.


Anonymous said...

And now you’re probably wondering why no one posted a comment on your blog.
At least I would have. Just wanted to say hello since you didn’t get any other comments.:)

Sharon Fogarty said...

Thank you Anonymous. At least someone cares!

Anonymous said...